Tag Archives: teacher training

Critical Thinking and Literary Analysis Training

5 Mar

Peace Corps Volunteers conducted a four-day training on critical thinking and literary analysis for university English teachers at Naryn State University, January 9th to 12th, 2012. Teachers read poems by William Blake and Emily Dickinson, and wrote critical essays based on close readings of the texts.

Teachers Excel at Weekly Training

22 Oct

Naryn State University and School #8 instructors pose after a weekly teacher training conducted by Peace Corps Volunteers. Teachers cover topics related to communicative methodology, classroom management and critical thinking.

NSU Instructor Kosmira Japarova says, “I like these teacher trainings, because I get many interesting things for me. For example, it’s great that they teach us very simple ways of teaching. I’m always surprised that we don’t already do these things in our lessons. And, I am always benefiting from these things. Also, in the future I will try to use all of these methods in my teaching.”

Kim V., a teacher trainer for this series, sees these trainings “as a way to build teachers’ confidence, share ideas and promote sustainable quality education in Naryn City.”

“The teachers seem to be enjoying and gaining a lot from the trainings,” said PCV Andrew M. “Some interesting and helpful conversations have been brought up regarding different methodologies and teaching techniques. I’m looking forward to seeing how the rest of the semester plays out in these sessions.”